Best 6 Germany Trade Show Exhibition and Fair Expo Centers

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Located successful nan bosom of Europe, nan onshore of Bratwurst, Wiener Schnitzel, and Lederhosen is officially nan world’s number 1 hotspot for exhibition events. Germany is location to immoderate of nan world’s largest waste and acquisition show accumulation venues, awesome grounds shows, waste and acquisition fairs, and adjacent expo centers successful nan world.

Germany is not only location to immoderate of nan world’s largest accumulation venues, but complete 60 percent of each nan awesome waste and acquisition show exhibits successful nan world are held successful nan country. If you are readying to return your accumulation overseas, past nary different state offers a amended opportunity to turn your business than Deutschland

Around 160 world waste and acquisition shows are held successful nan state each twelvemonth and are attended by astir 180,000 exhibitors and 10 cardinal visitors. More than half of these group travel from overseas expanding nan imaginable scope of your merchandise aliases work acold beyond nan Rhine aliases nan Elbe. 

Germany is Europe’s largest and strongest economy –  and nan 4th largest successful nan world. The country’s immense accumulation manufacture surely makes a important publication to its starring economical status.

It is estimated that waste and acquisition show exhibits and visitors walk astir €14.5 cardinal a twelvemonth connected their activities astatine exhibitions and waste and acquisition shows successful Germany. The wide effect connected economical accumulation amounts to €28 cardinal German accumulation organizers station income of astir €4 cardinal a year. 

German Trade Show Exhibit Über-Efficiency 

Germany’s position arsenic nan accumulation superior of nan world is nary accident. Unlike different countries wherever nan venues and events are tally by backstage profit-focused companies, German accumulation venues are owned and managed by section authorities bodies. 

As they besides tally astir of nan world shows themselves, nan consequence is highly businesslike and effective accumulation events pinch debased information fees and method work costs. In a nutshell, Germany is an exhibitor’s paradise.

 2020 Guide to Exhibiting successful Deutschland

Trade Show Exhibition and Expo Rules to Follow successful Germany

Germans are well-known for their levels of efficiency, but they are besides notorious for being sticklers for rules. It’ll travel arsenic nary astonishment to study that location are respective regulations you request to beryllium alert of erstwhile exhibiting successful Germany. 

So, earlier you book a spot astatine a German accumulation show, make judge you cognize your Frankfurter from your Weisswurst by pursuing these rules: 

1. Book each your accumulation services successful advance 

German exhibitions connection invaluable opportunities to launch your business’s products aliases services globally.

But erstwhile you book your abstraction astatine a German venue you will besides request to guarantee you put each your accumulation services upfront. 

Even if it is thing arsenic elemental arsenic cleaning aliases catering, this each needs to beryllium arranged successful beforehand pinch German accumulation show organizers. 

If you haven’t booked a work beforehand, you will get a nonstop “Nein, nein” if you effort and motion up erstwhile you arrive. 

2. You tin beryllium charged if you retreat from an grounds show

If you motion up for nan grounds show position and past later determine you want to retreat from nan exhibition, you whitethorn still beryllium liable to salary up to 25 percent of nan agreed information fee.

Even if nan show organizers negociate to redistribute your stand, they still person nan correct to complaint you this fee.

3. Protect your intelligence spot rights 

One of Germany’s much funny laws is that allows group to make copies of different companies’ products aliases brands. This intends it is nan work of business owners to guarantee nary 1 other tin legally make money from their ideas.

As nan full constituent of a waste and acquisition show is to promote your brand aliases merchandise this tin beryllium a challenging issue. In nan arena of immoderate IPR infringement, accumulation organizers will connection support and help, but they still can’t enforce nan law.

The champion measurement to forestall immoderate infringement astatine a German accumulation show is to interaction a lawyer beforehand to make judge you ain nan protective authorities of your merchandise aliases brand. 

4. You request a Visa if you are extracurricular nan EU, but location is nary fee.  

If you are from extracurricular nan EU past you will request a visa – and that will astir apt see nan UK post-Brexit. There is immoderate bully news though, visa fees person been waived for companies exhibiting astatine a German waste and acquisition show.

Further accusation tin beryllium recovered successful nan visa regulations section of nan German Foreign Office. 

Now, that we’ve sewage nan astir important rules and regulations retired of nan way, let’s look astatine immoderate of nan main expo venues successful Germany.

Trade Fair Locations successful Germany

Vorsprung Durch Messe: 6 Trade Fair Locations successful Germany

In Germany, galore waste and acquisition show exhibitions return spot successful each of nan awesome cities including Hanover, Frankfurt, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart, and Hamburg. 

All of these shows are known arsenic “Messe”, which translates arsenic “fair” aliases “expo”.  The biggest adjacent and expo center, by far, are Hannover, Frankfurt, and Düsseldorf.

1. Messe Hanover 

Covering an area of 554,000 sqm aboveground area (58,000 sqm outdoor abstraction and 496,000 sqm indoor space), Messe Hanover (aka Hanover Fairground) is officially nan largest waste and acquisition show accumulation crushed successful nan world.

With 29 halls and 35 usability rooms, it is easy to spot why this has been a starring waste and acquisition show accumulation venue for much than 60 years.  Also known arsenic “the occurrence of economies”, it is besides nan birthplace of nan German waste and acquisition show accumulation manufacture arsenic we cognize it today.

To promote economical betterment aft World War 2, nan British Military held a waste and acquisition show accumulation successful an aged craft hangar successful Hanover. The adjacent expo proved truthful successful it soon became a imperishable fixture, and nan tract went connected to go Messe Hanover. 

With a ample world airdrome connected its doorstep, pinch galore nonstop flights to galore awesome world cities, Messe Hanover is easy accessible from anyplace successful nan world. 

2. Messe Frankfurt 

If Hanover tin declare to beryllium nan largest waste and acquisition show accumulation crushed successful nan world, past Frankfurt has nan biggest capacity. 

Located astatine nan bosom of Germany’s financial and business center, Messe Frankfurt is 1 of nan largest and astir modern adjacent and expo centers successful nan world, pinch 367,000 sqm of hallway area and 96,000 sqm of free abstraction astatine its disposal.

As business is engraved into nan halfway of Frankfurt, pinch complete 5 cardinal professionals surviving wrong nan center’s catchment area, nan adjacent and expo halfway attracts a ample B2B assemblage pinch bully reason.  

Messe Frankfurt is bang successful nan bosom of Germany. As location are much than 260 destinations that onshore successful Frankfurt Airport, nan adjacent and expo halfway is easy accessible wherever you are successful nan world. 

3. Messe Düsseldorf

With 19 waste and acquisition accumulation halls, spanning 262,000 sqm, Messe Düsseldorf is good equipped to big immoderate sized event, from ample manufacture waste and acquisition show exhibitions to mini waste and acquisition shows. 

The venue organizers are highly regarded successful nan accumulation manufacture for their organization. This has enabled Messe Düsseldorf to go 1 of nan apical waste and acquisition show venues successful position of revenue. 

Located successful nan north-west of Germany, nan adjacent and expo halfway is conscionable a two-hour train travel from Amsterdam and Frankfurt, aliases a one-hour formation from Paris, London, Berlin, and different European cities.

4. Messe Cologne 

Since its founding successful 1922, Messe Cologne has gone connected to go 1 of nan largest and astir influential waste and acquisition show accumulation centers successful nan world.

It has complete 284,000 sqm exhibiting level area and is nan third-largest venue successful position of indoor accumulation area. Messe Cologne has 11 main halls, 2 legislature centers, and an further 100,000 sqm of unfastened abstraction and parkland areas.

Located conscionable 30 miles southbound of Düsseldorf, Messe Cologne tin besides beryllium easy reached by car, train, aliases level from astir awesome European cities. 

5. Messe Stuttgart 

Located successful nan beautiful superior metropolis of Baden-Württemberg, bang successful nan bosom of cardinal Europe, pinch fantabulous carrier connections, it is easy to spot why truthful galore businesses take this adjacent and expo halfway for exhibitions and events.  

Messe Stuttgart offers a mixed area of 105,200 sqm crossed its 7 halls – measuring 10,500 sqm each – and proudly hosts events crossed galore different industries. 

One of nan main reasons that Messe Stuttgart is truthful celebrated pinch exhibitors crossed Europe is its location correct adjacent doorway to nan city’s world airport. The venue organizers moreover boast that erstwhile your level lands you are only 355 steps from nan accumulation halfway – not that you needfully person to locomotion each of those steps. 

6. Messe Berlin 

Messe Berlin has 26 dedicated halls offering 180,000 sqm of space, and a multifunctional business suite consisting of an further 20 variably-sized rooms and a rooftop terrace that tin clasp up to 200 guests. 

The organizers of Messe Berlin are highly regarded successful nan waste and acquisition show accumulation manufacture and it is easy to spot why. The accommodation and abstraction make it a celebrated venue, drafting successful immense crowds of visitors and world exhibitors. 

Located successful Germany’s vibrant superior city, bang successful nan bosom of Europe, Messe Berlin is easy accessible from anyplace successful nan world. There are complete 75 airlines that link Berlin’s world airports pinch 173 destinations, making Messe Berlin 1 of Germany’s best-connected accumulation venues.  

Planning For A German Trade Expo and Exhibition

Planning For A German Trade Expo and Exhibition 

There are 2 main ways to put your accumulation astatine a German waste and acquisition expo.

You tin take an accumulation institution from your ain state to return attraction of everything in-house, from nan design, build, transportation, and installation of your waste and acquisition stands.

Alternatively, you tin rent a customized waste and acquisition guidelines and a modular shell-scheme booth straight from nan German organizers. The second will surely beryllium nan cheapest and easiest solution, but not nan astir visually charismatic measurement to coming your institution to an world audience.

What is more, nan waste and acquisition stands successful Germany thin to beryllium of much high-end value than elsewhere. This intends a basal waste and acquisition guidelines creation and building will make moreover little of a people successful specified an upmarket business environment. 

Leading accumulation guidelines designers, Quadrant2Design, authorities that “German Messe’s waste and acquisition guidelines and booth services mightiness beryllium tempting, but their limitations don’t let you to grounds your merchandise aliases work astir effectively, risking a mediocre return connected finance for nan show”. 

Also, choosing an accumulation institution from your ain country, intends you won’t person immoderate connection barriers to flooded erstwhile it comes to readying your accumulation stand. Any bully accumulation institution will allocate you a task head who will oversee everything, from nan first creation of nan guidelines to nan installation astatine nan German expo. 

An moreover amended action would beryllium to take an accumulation institution that will pre-build your waste and acquisition guidelines earlier your show takes place.

This will springiness you nan chance to make judge everything is successful cleanable order, and fresh to spell earlier your waste and acquisition guidelines is installed successful Germany.

Most celebrated German waste and acquisition shows

There are astir 160 to 180 waste and acquisition fairs held successful Germany annually, covering a wide scope of industries including user goods, technology, manufacturing, and nutrient and beverage.

Some of nan astir celebrated German waste and acquisition shows include:

  • IAA (Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung): One of nan world’s largest car shows, held successful Frankfurt each 2 years.
  • IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin): A awesome waste and acquisition show for electronics and location appliances, held successful Berlin annually.
  • Bauma: The world’s starring building machinery waste and acquisition fair, held successful Munich each 3 years.
  • Drupa: The world’s largest printing and media waste and acquisition fair, held successful Düsseldorf each 4 years.
  • Gamescom: The world’s biggest waste and acquisition adjacent for video games and entertainment, held successful Cologne annually.

If you are willing successful attending a waste and acquisition show successful Germany, you tin find a database of upcoming events connected nan websites of nan awesome waste and acquisition adjacent venues, specified arsenic Messe Berlin, Messe Düsseldorf, and Messe München.

Doing business successful Germany arsenic a overseas exhibitor

When doing business successful Germany arsenic a overseas exhibitor, wherever nan highest standards are expected, it is important to respect nan country’s rules connected business etiquette. 

Any misinterpreted behaviour astatine a web arena aliases convention could earnestly harm each early business negotiations. It is worthy remembering that Germans thin to beryllium much general than a batch of different nationalities, truthful beryllium observant not to go excessively informal excessively quickly. 

Doing business successful Germany arsenic a overseas exhibitor

Here are a fewer elemental rules to travel erstwhile doing business successful Germany:

1. Punctuality – don’t beryllium late

Not surprisingly, clip guidance is simply a large point for Germans. Turning up precocious for meetings is simply a large “Nein, nein”. Germans are highly punctual and moreover a fewer minutes’ hold tin offend.

If you do find you are going to beryllium late, telephone up to explicate your situation. Otherwise, a bully norm of thumb is to ever beryllium 10 minutes early for appointments. 

2. Gift-Giving – value complete cost

It is not communal to springiness gifts erstwhile doing business successful Germany arsenic a overseas exhibitor. However, location has precocious been much of a move towards making business meetings little general pinch rituals for illustration gift-giving.

When choosing a gift for imaginable business clients aliases partners, make judge it is mini and of bully value but not overly expensive.

3. Dress code 

Germans return pridefulness successful dressing well, truthful quality is very important erstwhile doing business. Casual apparel are conscionable not thing Germans do erstwhile it comes to business.

Men should deterioration dark-colored business suits pinch achromatic shirts. Women should besides dress conservatively successful acheronian suits aliases blimpish dresses. 

The astir important constituent of each erstwhile it comes to nan German dress codification is ne'er to region your overgarment aliases necktie earlier your German big does – this is considered to beryllium nan tallness of bad manners. 

4. Language 

While German will beryllium nan main connection spoken astatine each nan Messe waste and acquisition expo and accumulation shows, astir professionals will speak very bully English.

Having said that, it would beryllium a motion of respect to person a translator pinch you arsenic portion of your accumulation team. 


Yes, location are a fewer rules to beryllium alert of erstwhile doing business successful Germany arsenic a overseas exhibitor, but a successful waste and acquisition expo successful nan astir important and powerful waste and acquisition show accumulation state successful nan world tin consequence successful important world occurrence for your business. 

When you grounds your business successful Germany, you are exhibiting to nan world. If you are readying a waste and acquisition show grounds astatine a German expo, you’ve made a wise prime for your business. 

Viel Glück (good luck)!

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